"Legalizing drugs would be an unqualified national disaster," it said.
Vincent Canby of The New York Times calls it "an unqualified disaster."
It is now difficult to find any serious person in the former Soviet bloc who will refer to the Communist experience as other than an unqualified disaster.
The mission was an unqualified disaster - seven pilots killed in action (KIA).
The Bush Administration has said that legalization would be an "unqualified national disaster" and would create many more addicts.
"As an unqualified disaster, this ranks right up there."
It would be hard to imagine, though, Torborg's deciding to compel Johnson to switch positions unless his play turns out to be an unqualified disaster.
But as PM he was an unqualified disaster.
Whatever effect those bombings were having in Kosovo, they were an unqualified disaster for the man standing in front of me.
Lunch might have been an unqualified disaster, she reflected a little while later, but dinner was proving less of an ordeal than anticipated.