For this reason it is universally recommended that unexploded ordnance should not be touched or handled by unqualified persons.
If any unqualified person participated in a jury, then information was laid against him and he was brought before the Heliaia.
Funeral Directors in the UK were using unqualified persons simply to pump fluid.
I'm not going to put an unqualified person in the right seat during a live weapons mission.
The possibility of selling a gun to an unqualified person is much greater.
Section 25 prevents the recovery of costs in respect of work done by an unqualified person acting as a solicitor.
These lists are unvalidated and critics state they are inaccurate, too broadly defined or applied by unqualified persons.
"I fear that in my lifetime he is the single most unqualified person for the job."
It is not safe when injected in areas of pain and swelling (inflammation) or when injected by an unqualified person.
The language forbids quotas' being applied to any employment situation - whether it would involve qualified or unqualified persons.