In this way, the hypocrisy of having unqualified students matriculate simply for their athletic prowess, and not their academic capability, would be overcome.
The school had been accused of tying recruiters' pay to enrollment and encouraging the registration of unqualified students.
Future doctors might consider Medforce (, which offers medical placements overseas, with shadowing and work experience for unqualified students.
This in turn resulted in numerous amount of unqualified students taking out loans and never finishing required programs or having the ability to obtain licensure.
The overall performance of unqualified mature students was poor.
It is counterproductive to permit unqualified students to squander a place in our finest schools.
Steele also says that separatism appeals to unqualified students admitted to college under the protection of affirmative action.
Several former Decker officials said employees at the school falsified federal loan applications, recruited unqualified students and gave some students answers to tests.
Thompson also criticized Bloomberg's managerial style as creating incentives for schools to graduate unqualified students.
A college economics professor has blamed "credential inflation" for the admission of so many unqualified students into college.