He seemed to use it to dispel the aura of unquestionable authority that intimidates a lot of sometime churchgoers.
And on the Jets, he has the total control and unquestionable authority handed down from the owner, Leon Hess.
What is required is a figure of unquestionable authority, who will designate deputies to handle the technical details.
An instant later, a small, delicately-made woman with an air of unquestionable authority stepped forward.
The woman carried the same unquestionable authority as Tally's teachers back in Uglyville.
He had the sort of dry and unquestionable authority that made it difficult to dispute his right to speak, with or without the feather.
Neither she nor I can really muster the unquestionable authority that a true Farseer-bom king could wield.
Divorce law is based almost entirely on Islamic Shari'a law, which is considered "unquestionable authority."
In doing so, he shows how the socially and historically constructed opposition between blackness and whiteness takes on the absolute, unquestionable authority of a natural fact.
He rasped at the skipper in a tone of utter, unquestionable authority, "Prepare for take-off!"