For Phoenix this is unquestionably true.
The practice of false documentation rests on the fallacy, promoted by management organizations and governments, that whatever has been written down is unquestionably true.
A given is an assumption that is believed to be unquestionably true.
All that was unquestionably true; but there were many points not fully cleared.
That is unquestionably true, but it has not slowed the rush to get the bills enacted into law.
It is just about the only fact which is unquestionably true.
Since that was unquestionably true, Goldfarb didn't respond to it directly.
That everything in the whorl is dependent on every other thing is unquestionably true.
It is unquestionably true that passive mastery of a language is far easier to achieve than active mastery.
Interesting that a few readers above mention the Flynn effect as though it was unquestionably true.