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Three days later Grace was born, and for the second time in his life Flint knew the meaning of unquestioning love.
All you had to do was leave out love - selfless, devoted, unquestioning love.
A story of unquestioning and pure love.
Two men, Kieri and Ryo, have an unquestioning love for each other.
The boy "is a bundle of unquestioning love.
Eventually, however, his "unquestioning love and trust of the world" lead those in his platoon to befriend him.
He loves his aunt Jean with the unquestioning love of a young boy for whom family is everything.
Norman's mother, on the other hand, ran the family, and gave the boy "absolute, unquestioning love."
On the street, people profess love for their candidates, though it is often unquestioning love.
It spoke of unquestioning love, and a motherly instinct to protect.