Dreams of the far future destiny of man were dragging up from its shallow and unquiet grave the old dream of Man as God.
From the unquiet grave the suicide's ghost visits the beloved (LIII).
Why had this one ripped free of its unquiet grave?
Some dribbled caked dirt left from their over-hasty emergence from their unquiet graves.
He was thoroughly chilled by the dark of the moon, the unquiet grave, the terrible secret in the attic.
Like Count Dracula, Marilyn Monroe inhabits an unquiet grave.
The call was a bit of lower-class city slang; when Videssos' thieves and pimps were displeased with someone, they wished him an unquiet grave.
A trade in human flesh, a cruel bargain with Saddam Hussein - for Saddam owned the Iraqi people's every movement from tear-sodden cradle to early and unquiet grave.
Pyncheon, they said, was building his house over an "unquiet grave," giving the ghost of Matthew Maule the privilege of haunting its rooms.
Oh god, this tired old argument again, lurching from its unquiet grave for the thousandth time this year.