Also, if her unquiet spirit still haunts the place, as many say, I know not why it should speak with the voice of a man.
But then Gillian shows up with the corpse of her evil boyfriend in the car, an unquiet spirit if there ever was one.
In most versions, the Rusalka is an unquiet spirit.
But even then the unquiet spirit of the raven interposed.
It was as if some unquiet spirit had haunted the gathering, then suddenly vanished.
Her dark sister, the unquiet spirit, everyone's back turned against her but Lucy's.
Then there was an attempt to exorcise poor Amy's unquiet spirit.
The unquiet spirits, the soldiers who had fought here and died during the Civil War.
But there was also something distinctly modern about this writer's pain, in the neurotic way it emanated from his unquiet spirit.
The phone line went dead, buzzing in my hand like an unquiet spirit.