Kathleen stared out into the noisy, unreal scene and she shivered.
Tanning's beginning works were depictions of unreal scenes that combined erotic subjects with enigmatic symbols and desolate space.
For a moment Gwydion saw the unreal scene with astounding clarity, true sight far beyond any sensation granted him by Gond's helmet.
The vista was one of eerie fascination: a scene unreal, the stuff of strange dreams.
The whole scene, grotesque and unreal, became a silent tableau.
It was a real death even though it was set in an unreal scene.
To a general human condition in the midst of unreal and metaphoric scenes.
As he did, Isiah Parker felt that he was standing outside of himself, able to watch the unreal scene from some other dimension.
It is an unreal scene.
It was a curious scene, unreal, yet he thought he would never forget it.