Some veterans worry that younger Americans may have an unrealistic image of the nation at war.
He uses realistic painting techniques to make unrealistic images.
The growing popularity of image manipulation has raised concern as to whether it allows for unrealistic images to be portrayed to the public.
Magazines, television, and other media have created an unrealistic image of the perfect, successful person.
Help your teen recognize that television and other media often produce unrealistic images of the ideal body that are not healthy.
The media often present unrealistic images of what certain animals are like.
But even the grainy, unrealistic image was clear enough that, after a moment's glance, every eye in the room turned to look at one person.
But I've got to tell you - she was an unrealistic image to live up to.
She was constantly under the scrutiny of society and the media, who pressed her to maintain the unrealistic image of a social and fashion goddess.