Names reflect the parents' hopes and perhaps, too, their own unrealized dreams.
Her voice was low and strange when she spoke, as if channeling the spirit of someone who choked to death on the bitterness of unrealized dreams.
Sang-man then attempts to help the ghosts fulfill their unrealized dreams to get them to leave him alone once and for all.
Still, at 75, he has one more unrealized dream for his people.
At bottom, the work addresses how people cope with and learn from unrealized dreams.
Life for many in the United States remains an unrealized dream.
Most of the major cultural institutions have yet to sign on officially, and the Guggenheim, for one, is well known for chasing unrealized dreams.
To study a crime at first hand has long been an unrealized dream of mine.
As for HAL, he is another unrealized dream of the 60's, artificial intelligence.
It also meant being in the Continental Basketball Association, home of the broken or unrealized dream.