Such abuses may not be surprising in the unregulated private sector.
However, regulation arbitrage - the transfer of commerce from a regulated sector to a less regulated or unregulated sector - brings markets a full circle and restores systemic risk.
Beginning in the unregulated, non-bank sector, underwriting standards were greatly relaxed.
The UK would probably have fallen 100 miles below junk with our 1000% Debt to GDP (yes 1000% not a typo), courtesy of the unregulated finanical sector.
Homeless people, refugees, the long term unemployed, and single mothers will find in future they will be directed not to social housing but dumped in the unregulated private rented sector.
Extrapolating the report, 307,000 solicitor produced wills would fail...against 45,000 for the "unregulated" sector.
The problem is with the unregulated sector, where some people are untouched by these rules, and that is what we need to focus on.
Minimum standards have therefore now been established, as domestic workers form the largest unregulated sector in the world.
I think it is outrageous to regulate all activities in the private and public sectors and yet to leave unregulated a sector such as road transport which employs over seven million people.