As such, he stood trial for earlier, unrelated crimes of robbery and sexual offenses.
It also held that military personnel may be court-martialed for crimes unrelated to their service.
On the other hand, knowing the suspect's name may just as quickly confirm to the officer that the person is wanted for another, unrelated crime.
Luis and his brother, Miguel, are both tried at the same time, despite having committed unrelated crimes.
Meanwhile, Slicker is being arraigned with his mother for what seems to be an unrelated crime.
Others were traced because they were found in an apartment house where an unrelated crime occurred.
Both were presumed by the press to investigated for crimes unrelated to the 2007-2009 rebellion.
We have one or two of the gang in custody, on an unrelated crime, and now I can charge them with your mugging as well.
Toward the end, she attends his trial and sentencing (for an unrelated crime).
In 2002, he received another five-year sentence for unrelated crimes.