But as unrelated men, they were told that being buried in a single plot with a shared headstone would violate town law.
However, out of necessity most women leave the house alone and often have contact with unrelated men to shop or conduct business.
The tradition is rooted in Muslim teachings that discourage the mixing of unrelated men and women.
Both men were, however, overcome by an unrelated man named Hakor.
Still, there is something unseemly in our culture about 10- and 11-year-olds sharing a bed with an unrelated man.
The entire body except the face and hands should be covered in public or in front of unrelated men.
Physical contact between unmarried and unrelated men and women is forbidden.
The prohibition of physical contact between unrelated men and women has nothing to do with sexism.
They are banned from public events if spectators include unrelated men.
Several unrelated men had a common wife in Nair polyandry.