And on an unrelated note, I have no interest in Madonna in this year's Super Bowl halftime show.
Now, on an unrelated note, how hard is it to get a work visa for the EU?
On an unrelated note, I hate their new site design.
On an entirely unrelated note, I don't want to get too far past the end of Patriotic Vegetable season to pass along this scene.
On a slightly unrelated note, the UK government does not seem to me to have come out particularly well from this episode.
On an unrelated note, Think of the benefits of being able to email your mom a get well message from @DirtyDirtySluts.
On a totally unrelated note, obviously, does anyone remember Barton getting Gervinho sent off in August?
Cameras whirring, he unlocked the vault, opened box after box, only to find each stuffed with notes unrelated to Belding.
On an unrelated note, I think we should do a vote soon on the layout (horizontal vs. vertical).
Nothing obscures the outlines of an orchestral passage more than a drum roll on an unrelated note.