Extra minutes where she was singing in English were incorporated from a previously unrelated and unreleased song as well.
This is actually American song not unrelated to Gershwin, the classical music side of the popular form.
The extra minutes recorded in English was from another unrelated and unreleased song.
Reba McEntire recorded an unrelated song with the same title earlier in the year, which went to number-one.
It is also the name of an unrelated song (1924) by the American Quartet.
An unrelated song with the same title was released by Tim Christensen on his 2008 album Superior.
A rare song unrelated to anything Paddington-ish, this is a fun little 50's dance-type number encouraging you to "paint the whole town red."
There is also an unrelated song with the same title which has appeared in Konami's various Bemani music games.
"God" is the title of more than one unrelated song:
How Was I to Know can refer to two unrelated songs, both released in 1997: