Other insights may come from a yet unreleased preliminary report of an independent historical team organized by Switzerland.
An unreleased preliminary report by officials of the Fish and Wildlife Service says oil development in northern Alaska has caused far more environmental damage than the Government predicted.
Various technical options were examined at the time, in an unreleased report:
Instead, the spokeswoman, Kim Serafin, sought to turn the discussion to an unreleased report on the fund-raising practices of the Clinton White House.
However, as there is no accurate public list or catalog of CRS publications, all unreleased reports are effectively secret.
In August 1899, Elihu Root became the new secretary of war, and the unreleased report was scrapped.
But commission members and some police officers say the long delays and unreleased reports had undermined the board's credibility.
The unreleased report, which compiled its figures from a door-to-door survey, was done by a Washington consulting firm, LTL Strategies.
It found that black drivers sped much more than other drivers, according to three people who have reviewed the unreleased report.
The unreleased report does not deal with motive, but cites "an unacceptably high error rate of 70 percent on the sheets," and calls for an overhaul of the entire process.