As union president and lobbyist, he criticized Presidents and Congress in an unrelenting campaign for more Federal aid to education.
Mr. Bush has been wise to emphasize the danger Saddam poses because of his unrelenting campaign to acquire weapons of horrible power.
Our coalition forces are taking the fight to the enemy in an unrelenting campaign that is bringing daily results.
Any Democrat has to prove that he will carry on an unrelenting and smart campaign against terrorism.
Insurgents have kept up an unrelenting campaign of attacks before the elections, making foreigners and Iraqis who work with the occupying military their targets.
Outram, the feminist and progressive, was clearly the target of an unrelenting campaign of bigotry and misogyny organized by the local working-class and petty-bourgeoisie.
The cold war provoked, even required, a Western commitment and unrelenting rhetorical campaign for German reunification and self-determination.
Mr. Baron, who by now was sleeping fitfully and angry over the criticism from students, made Mr. Dole the center of an unrelenting campaign.
Mr. Gemayel opposed Syria's unrelenting campaign to dominate Lebanon's fragile democracy.
At the same time, the Iraqi defiance may make it more difficult for critics here and abroad to question the Bush administration's unrelenting campaign to bring the Iraq situation to a head.