Still, the unrelenting opposition to Mr. Hinckley's release was, given recent legal and psychiatric trends, unusual.
His bitter and unrelenting opposition to the Democratic party often led him into unpleasant controversies, however.
Things will be especially difficult for New York if its Democratic representatives adopt a stance of unrelenting opposition to the president's policies.
Israelis know the history of 40 years of unrelenting opposition to their very existence and will not pay a great deal of attention to those who would destroy them.
They face fierce and unrelenting opposition from businesses to any new requirement that employers help pay for insurance.
The state's unrelenting opposition to the programs also places Gov. Christine Todd Whitman in the uncharacteristic role of hard-liner.
Another important factor was the unrelenting opposition of the New Haven Railroad, which fiercely protected its virtual monopoly control of rail traffic in southern New England.
At worst, South Boston is viewed as racist, a place best remembered for its unrelenting opposition to busing, where angry crowds sometimes stoned buses carrying black children.
We receive relatively little of our budget from the chemical industry, which sells its products to the tobacco industry and is uncomfortable with our unrelenting opposition to cigarette companies.
Abortion rights advocates were said to have offered paltry support to their candidates; the antiabortion forces offered unrelenting opposition and campaigning.