But that's just my unreliable memory.
Music ultimately is ephemeral, evaporating into your unreliable memory once you've heard it.
I treasure these old photos just as much as I do my unreliable memory!
So it is not only Abbott who has the unreliable memory and and the neatly deleted past history of whta was actually said...
Uvarov's patchy, unreliable memory fired random facts into his tired forebrain.
It was Mesterline, one of the islands my unreliable memory told me we had passed on the southward journey.
And then, of course, there was the issue of the participants' increasingly unreliable memories.
We all experience the effects of unreliable prospective memory - forgetting a scheduled meeting or failing to buy milk as promised.
Painful revelations churn up Falcón's unreliable memory and more killings push him to the edge of terrifying truth.
As far as her unreliable memory could recollect, she had worn dresses before becoming an adventurer.