"Realists," who believe that international politics is an unremitting struggle for power, worry that the nation's leaders are often dangerously sentimental and naïve.
He was ready to re-enter the ruder worid beyond, where most men had no time for heaven in their unremitting struggle to survive hell on earth.
For older, less enterprising souls, it has been a period of unremitting struggle.
Rather than revealing a great leader, these letters portray a deceitful man gripped by a dark view of humanity and of the world as a pit of unremitting, mortal struggle.
He was forced to concede that he could not long sustain the unremitting struggle with this double burden of magic.
There was an unremitting struggle with deadly or pestiferous bacteria new to science, a perpetual assailment by dangerous radiations of soil, and air and sun.
The unremitting struggle that has had to be waged against the possibility of workers coming together in whatever manner has found a perfect field of action in urbanism.
There is no such thing as a "natural" forest in America, Nelson writes, unless you reject creationism and define nature as "the Darwinian vision of unremitting struggle for survival."
Life in these karstic polja is an unremitting struggle against a cruel environment.
But after years of unremitting economic struggles and a convulsing stock market, that now sounds like a bitter joke to people like Yukiko Shinya.