Jews say that much serious harassment goes unreported because the police register many incidents as simple vandalism or assault-and-battery even though they are clearly anti-Semitic.
Your reasoning stemmed, I believe, from a previous unreported incident in which you and your son allegedly were assaulted by eight hoodlums.
Some students talked about fear and distrust, unreported incidents, security guards carrying weapons.
Although the CEGB immediately denied that there had been any unreported incident at the power station, the effect of the health authority report was electric.
In 2007, however, the company announced to the public that an internal investigation had revealed a large number of unreported incidents.
Child welfare groups believe that the number of unreported incidents could be up to 10 times that number.
Acid attacks are increasing in Cambodia, with 21 recorded attacks already this year and countless unreported incidents.
A revised report showed 1,300 previously unreported incidents for the last six months of 1993.
There is a large number of unreported incidents, which is why we can only assume that the problem is a major one.
The press listed several examples of such previously unreported incidents of civilian injuries and deaths.