Tickets to the performance, sponsored by Friends of the Arts, are available at $7.50 for an unreserved seat in the tent or on the lawn.
When we were told to take unreserved seats in any car, I could see us sitting up all night and I exploded.
Tickets for the lawn today are $9; tomorrow's rehearsal costs $8.50 for unreserved seats.
Claiming the unreserved seats can be tricky.
Those with unreserved seats are advised to get to the park early, as the better seats get taken quickly.
The directors sold 21,000 unreserved seats for about $25, but cleverly made the people line up all the way back to Nottingham Forest.
Mostly in the popular stands, sir - the unreserved seats: the ten shillings and seven-and-sixes.
Both performances take place in the Spanish Courtyard, where unreserved seats are $20.
Both types of cars contained 24 unreserved seats in the dome upstairs.
On all but the busiest days, there are plenty of unreserved seats available.