They took the unresisting body of the King, now light as feather down, between them and raised it carefully.
Arrows thudded to a halt in the unresisting body of the Zyraii.
He had seen robots being lifted by a dozen hands, their heavy unresisting bodies carried backward from straining arm to straining arm.
He allowed his unresisting body to be dragged through the darkness.
Blindly, he turned and pushed his way through the crowd, forcing his way through the unresisting bodies entirely by touch.
She groaned, and her hips bucked against Sobehk's unresisting body.
As my arms encircled the unresisting body I could feel the rib cage sharply ridged under the skin.
Eagerly, then, he had smashed their unresisting bodies, and taken what little id was still keeping them alive.
Marta scurried around the bed, stripped off Katrina's wet nightdress, dried and brushed her hair, then slipped a white robe over her unresisting body.
He stooped and slowly, very slowly, picked up her unresisting body.