Division into subfamilies has been suggested, however, given the unresolved relationships on the family level, the subfamilial treatments must be considered hypothetical.
The implications for the country's painful, unresolved relationship with Chechnya, its mutinous southern republic, are even less clear.
At the same time, it tries to explore a tangle of unresolved relationships among complicated people that were formed years before the movie begins.
Arvid's unresolved relationship with his father, Frank, is at the core of his sense of loss.
This restless duet served as an appropriate climax to a ballet about unresolved emotional relationships.
Instead, erpetosuchids formed a polytomy or unresolved evolutionary relationship at the base of Archosauria along with several other groups.
In April 2000, the question of their relationship still unresolved, they met - alone - for dinner again.
Underlying the dispute is the unresolved relationship between medical examiners throughout the state and district attorneys.
The season (and series) ends with Logan and Veronica's relationship still unresolved.
Also, many "Old World babblers" remain of unresolved relationships.