No one could like that limp, unresponsive body in the bed.
The twitching subsided, leaving the unresponsive body limp and motionless.
She went to him, gathered his unresponsive body in her arms.
He looked dead, a dead man with only his stricken gaze to show that someone was still trapped inside the unresponsive body.
What, he wondered, must it be like to feel desire, love, lust even, and be imprisoned in an unresponsive body?
She hoped that somewhere deep inside that unresponsive body he could feel and hear her, even through two layers of quarantine.
She waited for a response again and glared at the limp, unresponsive body that sat propped across from her.
The wheel brakes slid on the linoleum and it took more than two minutes before the heavy, unresponsive body slumped back against the canvas.
Paris swallowed a sob, bending close to Grayrose's unresponsive body.
He moved on her, driving, but she lay there, nothing more than a warm and totally unresponsive body.