The lack of competition guarantees a more unresponsive, less active government.
Voters are so fed up with unresponsive government from entrenched politicians that they opt for an inflexible cutoff, regardless of its crippling effects.
However, most of the board's schemes were frustrated by an unresponsive colonial government.
By undermining the very notion of free elections, it contributes to widespread voter apathy and makes government unaccountable and unresponsive to the people.
An unresponsive government is a seedbed for corruption.
The organization also cited spotty prosecutions, vague statistics, old-fashioned judges and unresponsive local governments.
By this act, the Ogoni shifted the focus of their actions from an unresponsive federal government to the oil companies engaged in their own region.
Hope seems warranted, however, that once more the power of an aroused and dedicated populace can overcome unresponsive government, and even the threat of force.
They are protesting widespread corruption, Government abuses and an often unresponsive local government and judiciary system.
They're dismayed by stagnant incomes, a drifting economy and unresponsive government.