For unresponsive adult patients, checking pulse is performed by palpating the carotid artery in the neck.
This law states that a care provider may assume that an unresponsive patient would request treatment if he could.
"Clozapine is not a cure, but it may help previously unresponsive patients to live more satisfying and productive lives," the drug safety agency said.
Antidepressants also have a large percentage of unresponsive patients and poor prediction rate of ADRs (adverse drug reactions).
She cites examples of usually unresponsive patients who have reacted to Moki by petting him and talking to him.
But he's said nothing since: he's become the classic unresponsive patient, though not withdrawn--I see him peeking out from under those "closed" eyes every now and then.
In patients unresponsive to medical treatment, radiotherapy may be required.
Next, unresponsive patients with stable vital signs undergo assisted decon.
Cardiac pacing should be reserved for patients unresponsive to pharmacological therapy.
He looked down at their unresponsive patient.