(He) must have experienced, while looking on the unruffled waters (of a lake) that the imagination is carried into the recesses of feeling otherwise impenetrable'.
The walls were smooth, like the surface of unruffled water, meeting the ceiling and walls in perfect corners.
The chamber was, as she recalled, austere, echoey still, the water unruffled and colorless in its utter purity.
The calm, unruffled, blue-green waters of the bay.
The shallow water unruffled, and he saw a red-bearded, brass-haired man with a square-boned face and thick shoulders.
The blue water, calm and unruffled as a sheet of glass, spread before him.
- that plunged into the unruffled acid-seeming water.
Roger Smalley stood on the shore of Lake Phalen, looking out across the calm, unruffled water.
The plane hit the surface and taxied into shallow, unruffled water.
The two halted by the lake, the boy peering into the unruffled blue waters, then glancing upward toward the queen's weyr.