The tactic the guards came up with was to fight back in order to discipline the unruly prisoners and make them obey.
You have two unruly prisoners there, sir.
Visitors weave through a twisting series of dark hallways in maximum security, dodging unruly prisoners; frightening guards tell real ghost stories.
The corporal punishment is meant to tame unruly and arrogant prisoners who enter prison for the first time.
It had three or four cells to which unruly prisoners were sent to "cool off".
Solitary confinement is intended for unruly or dangerous prisoners who need to bring behavior in line with prison rules.
Sandra's treatment by the guards suggests she is an unruly prisoner, and this chapter leaves you with a chill of foreboding about her future in or out of jail.
He struck the officer and was placed in the disciplinary housing unit, where unruly prisoners can be shut up for 23 hours each day.
His death led prison officials to revise restraint policies for unruly prisoners, limiting "top of the bed" restraints to a maximum of six hours.
From the damp mortar between the stones of his cell he had prised loose a spike that had a ring attached to it for securing unruly prisoners.