Roast the pistachios on a baking sheet until lightly toasted, about 3 minutes for unsalted nuts and 10 minutes if the nuts have been soaked.
The food being handed round was quite awful - muesli sticks, unsalted nuts, prunes, figs, sliced bananas.
Drink from normal wine glasses, with ginger cake, Christmas cake, unsalted nuts and hard cheeses.
He might want to try a few power snacks like a handful of unsalted nuts, some soft dried apricots or even a slice of malt loaf.
Snack on a half cup of unsalted nuts or seeds plus fresh fruit, twice a day Yes, nuts are high in fat and calories.
"Instead, eat a handful of unsalted mixed nuts."
Rolled oats, bird seed, cornmeal, raisins, and unsalted nuts are often incorporated into the suet cakes.
Raw or roasted doesn't matter, although if you're on a sodium-restricted diet, buy unsalted nuts.
Commercially packaged unsalted nuts were once hard to come by.