This proved to be an unsatisfactory arrangement, and with the help of the Old Boys' Association a four-acre field in Adswood was purchased.
A most unsatisfactory arrangement.
Into the 1880s, baseball had always been played with the use of a single umpire, but by late in the decade it was becoming apparent that this was an unsatisfactory arrangement for the most important games.
The 15 rounds were in three 5-round clips, an unsatisfactory arrangement according to Kelsey, and the M9 did not perform reliably in flight.
This was to draw attention to the perceived unsatisfactory arrangements to have them repatriated to Liberia in that year.
The cost of rebuilding the dam at the end of the process was considerable, and this unsatisfactory arrangement was replaced by a sluice.
In practice however, this is generally an unsatisfactory arrangement since the grips damage the metal and cause premature failure at the ends so that the result is unreliable.
A very unsatisfactory arrangement, but, I trust, we shall one day learn to do better.
It was an unsatisfactory arrangement.
This grossly unsatisfactory arrangement (especially for the carpenter in winter) was replaced by a concrete covered reservoir in the woods, supplied from a well by means of a diesel pump and which fed two standpipes by gravity.