But was it not, after all, a fact that the wall of the Wood was in a very unsatisfactory condition?
The military equipment was in an unsatisfactory condition.
To throw the poison away, denotes that by sheer force you will overcome unsatisfactory conditions.
Sixty-nine percent of the schools in the state have at least one unsatisfactory environmental condition, according to the state figures.
The Commissioners of 1807-1812 reported the school as being in a very unsatisfactory condition.
Because of the usually cheap rent (less than €20 per month), it is very attractive for living, despite the unsatisfactory conditions of most rooms.
These first prisoners were held in temporary camps until 1915, by which time the prisoner population had increased to 652,000 living in unsatisfactory conditions.
His works, originally written in Latin, were preserved in a rather unsatisfactory condition.
Grace had much to say about the state of the grounds in the 1860s and declared that Lord's "was in a very unsatisfactory condition".
An example is the scrapping of ships in unsatisfactory conditions in developing countries.