I had worried that the place would be crowded with prostitutes, drug addicts and other unsavory types.
Unfortunately, the tanner had become involved with some unsavory types, and now the whole enterprise faced investigation by the government.
Several recent brushes with unsavory types had left Quinn on the defensive.
Jordan is not the only athlete who has taken a financial hit from unsavory types, by the way.
You must deal with some unsavory types in the work you do.
No less worrisome, she predicted, were the unsavory types "who would hang around such a place."
There were some unsavory types lingering in doorways and on the side street who made Jason feel uncomfortable.
There were some unsavory types being hired for the project.
Tonight, he travels to Russia, where he dines with some unsavory types.
Both are unsavory types, but both are very good at what they do.