These unscripted moments in the audience happened all day.
Yet for all the attention to scripted political performances, Americans are looking for the unscripted moment.
It was one of those magical, unscripted moments that happen in the bush.
The home run was one of the unscripted moments.
But it's not a good sign when an unscripted moment becomes the high point in the production of an elaborately constructed play.
On the other hand, it was just about the only unscripted moment in an otherwise canned event.
It is these unscripted moments that give Davos its juice.
Or it might have provided an unscripted moment or two, something voters would otherwise never see.
Sometimes in the unscripted moments of a campaign, when the handlers are away, a candidate shows his true nature.
It was, incredibly, an unscripted moment at the end of the first day of Canseco's book tour.