Drivers were frequently victimized by unscrupulous promoters who would leave events with all the money before drivers were paid.
And investors should pay nothing at all for the dubious wares being hawked by unscrupulous promoters who spring into action anytime market sentiment shifts.
As the tour dragged on, they began to falter, and endured ripoffs by unscrupulous promoters.
Misuse of Trusts For years, unscrupulous promoters have urged taxpayers to transfer assets into trusts.
We met again - by chance - in Lagos, Nigeria, when he was on the run from some unscrupulous promoter.
Mennenga thought at the time that the kids and their families were being cheated by unscrupulous promoters (not the aforementioned individuals).
Poor Mexican street fighters are brought to the United States by unscrupulous promoters to serve as patsies for American boxers.
They are encouraged by unscrupulous promoters of various fad treatments, litigators and politicians who want to "protect the little guy."
The only persons who will win if we allow high school sports to become commercial vehicles will be unscrupulous promoters.
Because so many consumers are desperate for credit, the secured credit-card business has attracted unscrupulous promoters who use illegal or unethical practices.