New York is a city full of frightened, frustrated buyers and savvy, sometimes unscrupulous sellers.
Hi-Living is also an easy place for unscrupulous sellers to market counterfeit merchandise, which can be difficult for novice buyers to distinguish without careful study of the auction description.
Because of information asymmetry, unscrupulous sellers can "spoof" items (like replica goods such as watches) and defraud the buyer.
And there are some unscrupulous sellers.
Paradoxically, the unscrupulous private sellers who contributed to its disappearance will stand to gain the most, especially if they have stockpiled its parts.
While the Auto Union situation did not involve any intent to deceive a buyer, increasing values of collector cars create a temptation for unscrupulous sellers to misrepresent their offerings.
To prevent an unscrupulous seller overcharging for it, this fact will be noted on its certificate.
Mr. Szostek is also concerned that once certain defects are detected, unscrupulous sellers might work even harder to "conceal something that is actually quite serious."
Typically the unscrupulous sellers deliver them by mail in plain packages, an illegal technique that can lead police to them.
Unwary shoppers might fall into the traps of unscrupulous sellers.