A very easy Job for an unscrupulous woman like the housikeeper to do.
It is certain she is a remorseless and unscrupulous woman.
A tool in the hands of an unscrupulous woman.
You paint the picture of a vain, unscrupulous woman, a woman who cared for no one save herself.
He was often prey to unscrupulous young women who used their charms to play on his sensitive nature to bring him under their influence.
He is worried that the President is being led astray by unscrupulous women.
What was any man, after all, in the hands of a really determined and unscrupulous woman?
A very easy job for an unscrupulous woman like the housekeeper to do.
It was a chance boldly taken by a bold and unscrupulous woman.
He is of a nervous temperament, and an unscrupulous woman can shorten his life without laying herself open to the law.