They loaned money on unsecured notes to make a good showing, and now they can't get it back But we're all right.
It also said it would give Merabank an unsecured note for $150 million, payable in 12 years.
Commercial Paper* 6.85 Discount rate for unsecured notes of high quality corporate borrowers.
On July 4, 2003, Jabil announced a public offering of senior unsecured notes.
Presidential Life Insurance, $100 million in unsecured senior notes due in 2009.
Petroleum Geo-Services, $300 million of senior unsecured notes due in 2007.
Walnut, too, has been selling unsecured notes to the public, calling them "thrift certificates."
Merry Land and Investment Co., $120 million of senior unsecured notes.
Since May 1986 companies have been permitted to issue short-term (7-364 days) unsecured promissory notes, which can then be traded at a discount.
In the global money market, commercial paper is an unsecured promissory note with a fixed maturity of no more than 270 days.