"And twisting in a most unseemly fashion."
For one moment, it looked as if we might actually grapple and end up rolling around in the mud in an unseemly fashion.
I could tell she was resisting the urge to break down and weep, or to give him a big hug, or otherwise behave in an unseemly fashion before all the folk of the household.
I used to wriggle along in a most unseemly fashion, like an eel, continually moving aside to make way for generals, for officers of the guards and the hussars, or for ladies.
He pairs bean curd with ginger, garlic and spinach with tofu, and eggplant in garlic to create dishes that disappear in an almost unseemly fashion.
For one thing, she accepted this incident with a hauteur, as though disallowing the waves their right to sweep her in such unseemly fashion.
In this strange and unseemly fashion did I first come into the knowledge of this admirable Maid--whom, alas!
I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion.
"Kinsman," she said again, "why do you stare at me in such unseemly fashion?"
His own eyes snapping, he went on, "I reckon it an insult that you challenge the orders of your commanding officer in this unseemly fashion."