He was better than the gate guard had been, and his head turned in slow, small arcs, as if he sensed some unseen danger.
Where once she thought the forest a peaceful refuge, now the dusky shadows seemed to harbor unseen dangers.
It was now wide open - a threatening black square full of unseen dangers.
There was danger beneath the waves, unseen and undetectable.
Brave-crazy-one had cautioned him against approaching too closely, saying there was grave unseen danger.
The intangible quality of a true warrior, the sixth sense that allows him to sense unseen danger, had come into play.
He had hoped to evade, by coming down here, whatever unseen danger threatened them.
To The Shadow, that meant one thing only: unseen danger.
The unseen danger may be more threat than the Empire, offers Thetis, green and wet.
Then we will seek out the unseen danger.