Rosie has at least two sons, apparently, and an unseen husband called Ricky.
While Minny's mouth gets her at trouble at work in a white woman's kitchen and at home with her unseen and violent husband, she gets her revenge.
In Britain the product's image and attributes were conveyed by an unseen husband and wife conversing in their car.
Ms. Gunstone, by contrast, is all rage and passion with spoken monologues that attack an unseen husband.
There is a manufactured edge to the atmosphere and to the language, as we hear tales of infidelity and criminality (most of the unseen husbands have been in prison).
Of course, their unseen husbands are brutes, as if a close alliance between women is possible only as an escape from unfaithful men.
There is the respect-able Ellen and her so far unseen husband.
Or Mr. Harris has his characters disparaging others, especially unseen husbands, and effacing themselves.
Aspects of their unseen husbands' personalities are tellingly revealed.
"Poof" is a surreal comedy about a physically abused woman who musters the courage for verbal revenge on her unseen husband.