Mullon, who was half raised up to keep a lookout for his unseen opponent, was thrown straight across the seat.
The boy prances, struts and taunts an unseen opponent.
Screeching like a frenzied bird, the hook horror hurled the unseen opponent into the wall.
Whoever they were, the unseen opponents didn't make many mistakes.
What that means remains a mystery, but we were asked to visualize clocking an unseen opponent in the knee, kidneys and head with swift kicks.
"everything'll be all right," he went on loudly as if to shout down the unseen opponent.
He struggled with his unseen opponent, twisting, flailing his legs, and throwing himself from one side to the other.
With an oath, Lance was grappling for his unseen opponent.
Nettled, he turned in earnest to the duel with his unseen opponent.
She had her dagger in hand now-far too short against an unseen opponent.