The unsettled nature of the side in 2007 was reflected by the fact that Shaw gave debuts to over 20 players over the course of the season.
And John was getting more and more frustrated by the unsettled nature of his situation.
Vieira immediately confirmed he would not be staying on in the role, citing the unsettled nature of the Iraq football administration.
As might be expected, the literature of the time reflected the unsettled nature of the period.
The toy was a gift from her grandmother Violet - another woman of an unsettled nature.
This painting is a reminder that pointing out to tourists and settlers what they had - raw, unsettled nature - was the point.
Due to the unsettled nature of late-1940s Europe, sorting out who was who involved careful scrutiny.
Arizona's recent electoral history reflects the unsettled nature of the situation.
The unsettled nature of Muslim occupation of the region at the time supports such a suggestion.
That list was evidence of the unsettled and, for some, unsettling nature of the post-cold-war world.