This second volume will see the Darkness Within saga come to its unsettling conclusion.
Willis uses humor to come to an unsettling conclusion.
The injury was an unsettling conclusion to a devastating day for the Lions, who have lost seven of their last eight regular-season games.
We paired this information with the statistics and came to some unsettling conclusions.
Their unsettling conclusion: at least part of the Atlantic Ocean is getting rougher.
Over the years, his visits to American Indian communities have left him with some unsettling conclusions.
In his own attempt to 'map' the origins of life onto the individual psyche, Freud came to an unsettling conclusion.
But in attaining his success the professor has come to some unsettling conclusions.
Data's most unsettling conclusion, however, was that his mission had already failed.
Studio executives plotting their strategies for the Academy Awards have reached some unsettling conclusions.