His features were regular and firm, and his steel-gray eyes reflected an unshakable determination.
Never again, he decided, a look of unshakable determination upon his youthful face.
Yet the eyes, which were magnified by thick-lensed glasses, were set in unshakable determination, Yazid nodded.
They had found the life too lonely and left the employment of years with honest regret but unshakable determination.
This was no easy feat but served to establish her own unshakable determination.
His voice was quiet, but it held unshakable determination, perhaps even an implicit threat.
In a separate statement, President Zedillo said the arrest confirmed the Government's "unshakable determination to pursue and punish drug trafficking and combat corruption."
ZINNIA His eyes were fierce with unshakable determination.
His beloved's face showed no pain, only an unshakable determination.
For our part, we will continue, with unshakable determination, to fight neoliberalism, federalism and militarism within the European Union.