She whimpered when he rasped his unshaven jaw against her nipples.
The big man ran his hand across an unshaven jaw, smiling ruefully.
She swept him with a blistering look that took in his ragged, dirty clothes and unshaven jaw.
Jaime looked at the steady burn of the deeply-sunken eyes over the long, unshaven jaw.
But there was something about the set of the big, unshaven jaw that shocked Mallory.
He rubbed a hand over the sandpaper of his unshaven jaw.
Rubbing his unshaven jaw, he wondered if it might be possible to strike some kind of deal with the thirteen.
Fact is," he said, rubbing his unshaven jaw, "I might marry her myself.
He smiled at them, conscious of his unshaven jaws.
His hand went to his unshaven jaw and rasped along it.