It would be easy enough; some sort of unsigned message; a whisper in the darkness, almost like a dream.
One, a mixture of lilies and daisies and other springtime flowers, carried this unsigned message: "From this house, in 1961, a housewife changed the world."
As Iblis stared in disbelief at the unsigned message, the lettering faded and disappeared, corroding into blobs of rust that ate through the metal itself and flaked away.
All that was included was the same rambling, unsigned message - described by investigators as a possible suicide note - that was also found in the suspects' Park Slope apartment.
It began as a simple unsigned e-mail message, only five sentences long in one variation, and six sentences in the other.
An unsigned e-mail message describing an agency's comments will not be printed in the issued report.
As a result, the growing use of unsigned messages over computer networks is creating a debate about how best to prevent abuses without stifling the right to speak freely and even anonymously.
However, GAO will accept comments provided in hard copy, orally, or in an unsigned e-mail message.
But his mind was on the unsigned message beside his father's body.
The officials said in interviews that in late December an unsigned message was sent from F.B.I. headquarters in Washington to the bureau's 56 field offices, instructing them to "clear the books."