The workers range from unskilled employees like laundry workers, who make about $25,000 a year, to X-ray technicians, who make close to $40,000.
With job opportunities multiplying in the face of a contracting work force, stores, restaurants, construction companies, financial corporations and other industries are competing for skilled and unskilled employees alike.
The cost of keeping even the highly underpaid and unskilled employees.
The project includes five workplaces organised by a variety of trade unions, recruiting white collar, skilled and unskilled employees in the public and private sectors.
Their machines are designed so that unskilled employees hired off the street can reach full speed within minutes.
Confiscation of passports, although illegal, occurs on a large scale, primarily from unskilled or semi-skilled employees.
The new system allows the company to once more become economically viable, but on the backs of the lower-paid, less-educated, unskilled employees.
Perrow (1983) highlights the dangers in the potentially lethal combination of sophisticated technologies and unskilled employees.
But Mr. Hasson said, "We're in the process of hiring some former unskilled employes."
Companies with unskilled and semi-skilled employees typically have plans calling for payouts at shorter intervals than those with highly skilled workers.