Nobody in port is taking on unskilled hands right now.
To the following page was attached a drawing worked by an unskilled hand yet infused with ardor and an earnest directness.
Some small baby-articles were needed to be washed, and after making a great preparation, I determined to try my unskilled hand upon the operation.
Do but consider the effects of the corrosive sublimate in bold, unskilled hands.
The small craft bounced and wabbled as unskilled hands let it down.
The bare walls had been coloured green, evidently by an unskilled hand, and were poorly decorated with a few prints.
Meanwhile, unskilled hands, like Mary Ann's, are doing the rough work of getting the shelters dug.
They were quite deadly up close, even in the unskilled hands of novices and acolytes.
In general, they are not appropriate for novice riders or those with harsh or unskilled hands.
Your fear is like your unskilled hand on the harp, blurring the sound.